Tuesday, June 03, 2008

June 1: Windy Windy Windy

After just a mile of walking we began a 35 mile dry stretch with no water. There was the possibility for 2 water caches along the way. These were where the trail crosses some back roads and a trail angel has filled tons of botles with water. However, you are never supposed to rely on water caches because they could be empty when you arrive due to hikers who have come through before you. I left with just over 5 liters and knew I would be thirsty if neither of those caches had water.

Luckily both caches delivered on cool water. We took our usual afternoon breaks and noticed the wind picking up. As we began to walk in the late afternoon the wind became fierce. Our walking gradually became impeded by the gusts and soon we were taking steps all over the place. I would aim my foot at the ground and if the wind blew strong I went right and if it let up I went left. It felt like we were on top of a 14,000 ft mountain. I wondered if our sleeping pads would somehow blow off our packs. Luckily we would get some relief behind large rocks or for a small bit when we went on the other side of the ridge we were walking.

We stopped a bit early for the night at the 2nd water cache. There was a pretty good climb the next 3 miles and we weren't sure if we would find a camp site out of the wind. Here we found a nice low spot behind a large Joshua tree and found a surprising peace as we laid down for the night.

Total Miles: 631.4
Today's milage: 24.1
Camp 35: Joshua Tree Windshield

Allow us to help those in need, sell back your spare PocketMail and make some extra pocket money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for everyone dropping comments or sending notes or packages to us along the way. We seem to be on our scheduled posted way back in April.

We love hearing from you!!!

WE are in Kennedy meadows today June 5. Mile 702.

Hope you all are doing well!!!