Monday, March 13, 2006

Flash Flood

I've never experienced a flash flood before, but we hot hit last night with thunderstorm after thunderstorm, and all over the Quad Cities, streets were under water, cars were floating down the street [we didn't see this, just heard of it on the news], and houses were getting wet...on the inside. It was nuts!
This is normally an intersection.

The news said we got more than 3.5 inches in less than half an hour!

This was taken from our doorway to the street.

Yup...those cars are parked on the curb.

Circa21, the dinner theater was having a show during this...the big question: how do we get all these people in really nice clothes and high heels out to their cars without making them wade through shin-deep water?

And then, just as quickly as it came, it had drained, and people were able to get in their cars and drive home. At least in Rock Island. I think our neighbors across the Mississippi in downtown Davenport weren't so lucky so quickly.


pk said...


Estoked said...

I remember getting out of school my senior year to fill sand bags!! Oh, the QC.

Love the pics Jess, I will talk to you soon!!!